Finally AT my age of 18 i get my 1STTYYY blog HaHaz..
WEll..I'm being start a new life at KL..TARC..
By Taking Course OF Broadcasting..And LUckily iM JOInEd the ClasS E1
HahAz CZ Meeettss sum UNIQUE Frends And THey R so GreaT..WakAKAz(Thanks GoD)
TRANSFORMER 2: REvenGe Of The FAllen
Well..I swear..This is the Best Movie i ever ever ever seen b4 in my LIfe..
The graphic , the stories , the actors was awesom..and..... HOT GULZ
too..(Megan Fox)XD

This making of tiz movie tooks 200millions USD..if u dun willing to pay the 10 bucks for tiz
movie..U r THE DUMPesT human in tiz world..XD
And err..Optimus Prime..I LOVE U!! LOL

Well..Tiz is The ENd of My 1st Blog
CYa in my 2nd blog..XD